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    (Virtual Summer School on Microsoft TEAMS)

    18-22 July 2022


    Today, digital information has become a valuable resource. However, the communication channels that we use for sending and receiving data and those that we use to store data, are imperfect and so subject to malicious attacks.

    Therefore, it is necessary to develop methods for detecting bugs when they occur and, ideally, find new techniques to fix them and new strategies for preventing them.

    These are the main aims in coding theory and in cryptography: we need ever stronger mathematical tools to solve new and hard problems arising from the fast evolution of communication technologies.

    The School aims at bringing together Master/PhD students, academics, and industry security experts in order to figure out how some of the sophisticated algebraic and geometric methods have been applied in recent years in constructing error-correcting codes and in defining secure cryptosystems.

    The school includes a multi-disciplinary program and will last for a week; there will be 4 courses which will explain how geometric and algebraic tools are used in coding theory and cryptography.

    In addition to this, there will be a programming session devoted to the model-checking and analysis of security protocols with the aid of Tamarin Prover, a session in which industries will explain how codes and cryptographic systems play a crucial role in modern technologies and a contributed talk session for young researchers with a high profile, where the best presentation will be awarded. Also, there will be a lecture "De Componendis Cifris: a national initiative" by Prof. Massimiliano Sala from University of Trento in which he will introduce the national initiative De Components Cifris and the benefits of the synergies between Academia and Industries.

    Ilaria Chillotti (Zama)
    Delaram Kahrobaei (City University of New York)
    Alberto Ravagnani (Eindhoven University of Technologies)
    Leo Storme (Ghent University)

    Lecturer Programming Session:
    Mariapia Raimondo (Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli)

    Community Lecturer:
    Massimiliano Sala (Università degli Studi di Trento)

    Lecturers from Industries:
    Bluenet srl


    Ferdinando Zullo

    Scientific  Committee:
    Stefano Marrone
    Olga Polverino
    Antonio Tortora

    Vito Napolitano
    Roberta De Fazio
    Maria Ferrara
    Paolo Santonastaso

    Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
    De Componendis Cifris 


    We thank Martina Maiuriello who realized the image at top of this page

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