Corso di laurea magistrale in PHYSICS
CFU: 8,00
Periodo di Erogazione: Secondo Semestre
Lingua di insegnamento | INGLESE |
Contenuti | Synthetic Program: |
Testi di riferimento | General reference books |
Obiettivi formativi | The course is aimed at providing basic notions and methods of statistical physics and at the same time at presenting its modern applications in physics and beyond. |
Prerequisiti | Statistical ensembles, basic probability theory, operator formalism |
Metodologie didattiche | The course is structured in 52 hours of frontal lectures (6h for recalls of introductory concepts, 24h for Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Mean Field Theories, Renormalization Group, 22 h for Kinetic Theory and Boltzmann Equation and Markovian processes) |
Metodi di valutazione | The examination is oral interview based on the discussion of the arguments illustrated during the course with a typical duration of 45 minutes. Together with the evaluation of the degree of knowledge reached by the student, the interview is aimed to evaluate the students' ability in managing statistical methods and in demonstrating theorems at their basis. |
Programma del corso | 1) A short review of statistical ensembles (1 CFU) |
Teaching language | English |
Contents | Synthetic Program: |
Textbook and course materials | General reference books |
Course objectives | The course is aimed at providing basic notions and methods of statistical physics and at the same time at presenting its modern applications in physics and beyond. |
Prerequisites | Statistical ensembles, basic probability theory, operator formalism |
Teaching methods | The course is structured in 52 hours of frontal lectures (6h for recalls of introductory concepts, 24h for Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Mean Field Theories, Renormalization Group, 22 h for Kinetic Theory and Boltzmann Equation and Markovian processes) |
Evaluation methods | The examination is oral interview based on the discussion of the arguments illustrated during the course with a typical duration of 45 minutes. Together with the evaluation of the degree of knowledge reached by the student, the interview is aimed to evaluate the students' ability in managing statistical methods and in demonstrating theorems at their basis. |
Course Syllabus | 1) A short review of statistical ensembles (1 CFU) |