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    Luigi MORETTI


    Corso di laurea magistrale in PHYSICS

    SSD: FIS/03

    CFU: 6,00


    Periodo di Erogazione: Primo Semestre


    Lingua di insegnamento



    Low dimensional physics, Photonics, graphene

    Testi di riferimento

    Applied Nanophotonics
    Gaponenko, Demir
    Cambridge University Press

    Fundamentals of Photonics
    Saleh, Teich
    Wiley Interscience

    Obiettivi formativi

    The course intends to provide an introduction to the nanotechnologies, with
    a particular focus on the photonics
    - Applying knowledge and understanding:
    At the end of the learning process, the students will acquire the basic
    knowledge that is needed to manage a large variety of theoretical tools
    for the design and simulation of photonic devices.


    Adequate knowledge of Quantum Mechanics and electromagnetism

    Metodologie didattiche

    The course is organized in 48 hours of frontal lectures.
    Attendance is not compulsory but strongly recommended.

    Metodi di valutazione

    The examination consists in an oral interview based on the discussion of
    the topics treated during the course, with a typical duration of 40
    minutes. Together with the evaluation of the degree of knowledge and
    understanding reached by the student, the interview is aimed to evaluate
    the students' ability in managing photonic problems.

    Programma del corso

    Electrons in potential wells and in solids
    One-dimensional wells
    Centrally symmetric potentials
    Periodic potential
    Energy bands in semiconductors and dielectrics
    Quasiparticles: electrons, holes, and excitons

    Quantum confinement effects in semiconductors
    Density of states for various dimensionalities
    Electron confinement in semiconductors and in metals
    Quantum wells, nanoplatelets, and superlattices
    Quantum wires and nanorods
    Nanocrystals, quantum dots, and quantum dot solids

    Lightwaves in restricted geometries
    Light at the interface of two dielectrics
    Light in a periodic medium
    Photonic crystals
    Metallic mirrors
    Tunneling of light
    Light in metal–dielectric nanostructures: nanoplasmonics
    Optical antennas
    Non-periodic structures and multiple light scattering
    Useful analogies of electronic and optical phenomena

    Spontaneous emission of photons and lifetime engineering
    Emission of light by matter
    Photon density of states
    The Purcell effect
    Photon density of state effects in optics
    Mirrors and interfaces
    Photonic crystals
    Nanoantennas revisited
    Controlling emission patterns


    Teaching language



    Low dimensional physics, Photonics, graphene

    Textbook and course materials

    Applied Nanophotonics
    Gaponenko, Demir
    Cambridge University Press

    Fundamentals of Photonics
    Saleh, Teich
    Wiley Interscience

    Course objectives

    The course intends to provide an introduction to the nanotechnologies, with
    a particular focus on the photonics
    - Applying knowledge and understanding:
    At the end of the learning process, the students will acquire the basic
    knowledge that is needed to manage a large variety of theoretical tools
    for the design and simulation of photonic devices.


    Adequate knowledge of Quantum Mechanics and electromagnetism

    Teaching methods

    The course is organized in 48 hours of frontal lectures.
    Attendance is not compulsory but strongly recommended.

    Evaluation methods

    The examination consists in an oral interview based on the discussion of
    the topics treated during the course, with a typical duration of 40
    minutes. Together with the evaluation of the degree of knowledge and
    understanding reached by the student, the interview is aimed to evaluate
    the students' ability in managing photonic problems.

    Course Syllabus

    Electrons in potential wells and in solids
    One-dimensional wells
    Centrally symmetric potentials
    Periodic potential
    Energy bands in semiconductors and dielectrics
    Quasiparticles: electrons, holes, and excitons

    Quantum confinement effects in semiconductors
    Density of states for various dimensionalities
    Electron confinement in semiconductors and in metals
    Quantum wells, nanoplatelets, and superlattices
    Quantum wires and nanorods
    Nanocrystals, quantum dots, and quantum dot solids

    Lightwaves in restricted geometries
    Light at the interface of two dielectrics
    Light in a periodic medium
    Photonic crystals
    Metallic mirrors
    Tunneling of light
    Light in metal–dielectric nanostructures: nanoplasmonics
    Optical antennas
    Non-periodic structures and multiple light scattering
    Useful analogies of electronic and optical phenomena

    Spontaneous emission of photons and lifetime engineering
    Emission of light by matter
    Photon density of states
    The Purcell effect
    Photon density of state effects in optics
    Mirrors and interfaces
    Photonic crystals
    Nanoantennas revisited
    Controlling emission patterns

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