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    22.02.2024 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm





    Giovedì, 22 febbraio 2024, alle ore 15:00, in saletta seminari, il Dottor Blaise Boissonneau (University of Leuven) terrà un seminario dal titolo

      NIPn fields



    NIPn theories are a direct generalization of NIP theories, and their behavior is erratic: classical theorems on NIP theories can often be generalized to arbitrary n, but when they can't, they usually fail spectacularly. Structures which are strictly NIPn are known to exist, however, all NIPn fields seem to be NIP. In this talk, we will present several recent results on NIPn henselian valued fields, most notably, that a henselian valued field of residue characteristic p is NIPn if and only if it is NIPn as a pure field.



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    Paola D’Aquino e Anna De Mase

    (Responsabile: Anna De Mase)

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