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    Dottorato di Ricerca in Matematica, Fisica e applicazioni per l'Ingegneria

    Coordinatore Ciclo XL:  Prof.ssa Paola D'Aquino 

    Coordinatore Cicli XXXIX - XXXVIII - XXXVII:Prof.ssa Francesca Crispo


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    Durata: 3 anni

    Iscriversi al Dottorato/Enrol in a PhD programme.

    The PhD Course in Mathematics, Physics and Applications to Engineering is an interdisciplinary course, which aims to provide students with a qualified preparation, initiating them in research in the main sectors of Mathematics, Physics and in the areas of Engineering where skills and methodologies of Mathematics and Physics play an important role, allowing at the same time the development of a scientific sensitivity aimed at solving the various applicative and technological problems. In their training plan PhD students can  benefit from the interaction of different areas and can acquire knowledges updated to the latest developments, using cutting-edge tools and methodologies. The in-depth knowledge of theoretical aspects, the possibility of exploring research topics ranging from theoretical and formal to applied and computational ones, the scientific autonomy provide  the PhD students with a preparation useful in different contexts, like  in international research circuits, in Italian and foreign organizations and companies, in didactic activities.  For the purposes of internationalization, the training offer is completely in English and  students have to spend study and research period abroad at universities, institutions and international research centers. Furthermore, the PhD Program promotes collaborations with foreign experts and institutions, within an international co-tutorship program.



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