The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 15th of April 2022.
Please submit your contribution preferably using the Latex template, which can be downloaded here.
The Word format is also accepted; in this case, please use this template.
The text of the abstract, strictly according to the template, should not exceed a single page.
The abstract should be submitted by sending an email to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo., typing in the subject of such email the following text:
“Abstract SURNAME poster”
“Abstract SURNAME oral”
thus specifying if you wish an oral or poster presentation. Please write the surname of the presenting author.
Similarly, invited speakers should write as email subject: “Abstract SURNAME invited talk”.
Oral contributions will distributed among the following Sessions:
1) Fundamental tests and measurements
2) Laboratory and astrophysical plasmas
3) Line shape theory and experiments
4) Innovative methods
5) Environmental spectroscopy
6) Molecular parameters
7) Earth and Planetary atmospheres
Corresponding authors will be notified about the presentation within 22nd of April 2022.
Best Poster Award:
At the 25th edition of the International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes, an award will be given to the best poster presentation from young researchers or PhD students (under 35). Posters will be judged by members of the International Program Committee. Scientific rigour, contribution to the field, design and clarity of the presentation will be considered. Kindly offered by the MDPI Journal Physics, the prize will be delivered at the end of the Conference.