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    Avviso: Dottorato in Matematica, Fisica e applicazioni all’Ingegneria


    Course “Introduction to modern computing infrastructures”

    A.A. 2023/2024

    Prof. Mauro Iacono (16h)

    This course will introduce students to the main aspects of computing systems, starting from the elementary notions about computer architecture and examining all main architectural aspects and performance related issues of parallel and distributed systems, with special attention to facilities for scientific computing.

    Lectures will be in presence, with no exceptions.

    Lectures will take place on:

    - Monday 15 April, 9-12, room G

    - Monday 22 April, 9-12, room G

    - Monday 29 April, 9-12, room G

    - Monday 6 May, 9-12, room G

    - Monday 13 May, 9-13, room G

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