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    Eventi Dipartimento



    Giovedì primo febbraio, alle ore 15:30, nell'aula G (ex Psicologia) del Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica della Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, la Professoressa Serena Morigi del Dipartimento di Matematica della  Università degli Studi di Bologna terrà un seminario dal titolo

    «Convex Non-Convex variational models: applications to image and surface (inverse) problems»

    ABSTRACT: This talk is concerning the computation of approximate solutions of non-convex non-smooth minimization problems which involve a sparsity-inducing term as a prior to improve the quality of the solution. These models arise in a wide variety of research areas, and we are interested in their application to the restoration of images corrupted by blur and noise, and the segmentation of images, surfaces, and images over surfaces.

    We propose the Convex-NonConvex (CNC) strategy, which relies on the idea of constructing and then optimizing convex functionals containing nonconvex (sparsity-promoting) regularization terms, so that well-known reliable convex minimization approaches can be used to compute the (unique) solution. In particular, we present the segmentation of real-valued functions having values on a complete, connected, 2-manifold embedded in R3. We present a three-stage segmentation algorithm that first computes a piecewise smooth multi-phase partition function, then applies clusterization on its values, and finally tracks the boundary curves to obtain the image segmentation on the manifold. 

    Il Seminario è proposto dalla prof.ssa Daniela di Serafino



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