Il giorno giovedì 4 aprile, alle ore 14.30, in saletta seminari, il Prof. Amador Martin-Pizarro (University of Freiburg, Germany) terrà un seminario dal titolo

Noetherianity and equationality


Abstract: A theory is noetherian if there is a family of definable sets with the descending chain condition such that every definable set is a boolean combination of those in the family. Noetherianity captures some of the desired properties of algebraically closed fields in any characteristic or differentially closed fields in characteristic 0. Noetherian theories are in particular omega-stable and equational. In recent work with M. Ziegler, we have shown that the theory of proper pairs of algebraically closed fields in any characteristic is noetherian. 


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Paola D’Aquino e Anna De Mase

(responsabile: Anna De Mase)